WORLD PREMIERE of du Bois’ new nonet will be premiered by the Detroit Chamber Winds and Strings on 18 October 2015. The new work was written for and in collaboration with University of Michigan trombonist David Jackson and in collaboration with prize-winning photojournalist and artist Michelle Andonian (who created the visual parallel to du Bois’ music for the multimedia, multi-discipline piece of music and art). Guest soloist, violinist Ida Kavafian will join soloist David Jackson and the Detroit Chamber Winds and Strings for the World Premiere of Hope Dies Last.
During March of 2014, du Bois traveled throughout Armenia with Andonian in creative preparation for the 45-minute work which commemorates the centenary of the Armenian Genocide in 2015. More information to be announced later in 2015
Premiere scheduled for 18 October 2015 – Detroit Institute of Arts Museum – Detroit, Michigan. Further performances to be announced.
For more information about Michelle Andonian’s work and her upcoming book, please visit