03 Feb String Quartet No. 5 (Behind Rainbows)

Commissioned by Kronos Quartet/Kronos Performing Arts Association (KPAA), the San Francisco-based non-profit organization of the Kronos Quartet, for 50 for the Future: The Kronos Learning Repertoire, a string quartet commissioning, performance, education, and legacy project of unprecedented scope and potential impact.

Kronos Quartet commissioned Alexandra du Bois’ 1st, 3rd, and 5th string quartets.

“Drawing on more than 45 years of collaboration with prominent and emerging composers from around the world, Kronos is commissioning a library of fifty works designed to guide young amateur and early-career professional string quartets in developing and honing the skills required for the performance of 21st-century repertoire. Each of the fifty works will be an artistically complete composition that will be premiered by Kronos with the entire 50 for the Future body of work becoming a core component of its own repertoire over six performance seasons (2015/2016 through 2020/2021). Digital versions of the scores and parts, recordings, and other pedagogical materials for each work can be accessed here on our website free of charge.”

Materials to be released soon. Meanwhile, visit www.kronosquartet.org for more information about the work and project.